System Components

The Neurac Treatment approach

The Neurac method is founded on up-to-date research and long-standing scientific principles that recommend the use of closed chain exercise for managing neuromuscular skeletal problems and enhancing function.

Neurac is an active treatment approach consisting of four main elements:

Suspension exercise

ejercicios, suspension
  • Closed Kinetic Chain (functional load handling body weight)
  • Instability provided by the strings

Controlled vibration/perturbation to selected body parts

redcord, perturbacion
  • Quickly drumming on the ropes to increase instability in the bases of support
  • Vibration controlled through Redcord Stimula

Workload, specific and gradual exercise progression

redcord, perturbacion
  • Adaptation of the exercises gradually.
  • Neuromuscular challenge gradually increased.

A pain-free approach

abordaje, libre, dolor
  • The exercises do not cause pain.
  • The existing pain does not increase.
doble, punto, suspension


redcord, eje, rotacional


Evaluation and Treatment

Test and treat stabilizing musculature (local control)

The focus is on the deep stabilizing system. The test involves generating a mild isometric contraction within the articular neutral zone. To do this, we manipulate the weight of the body to avoid global musculature compensation.

Test and treat the whole body (muscle chains)

Focusing on the deep stabilizing system, this test involves generating a mild isometric contraction within the articular neutral zone. To do this, we manipulate the weight of the body to avoid global musculature compensation.

neurac, tratamiento, musculatura, estabilizadora
neurac, tratamiento, musculatura, global